Last Saturday the spring recital was literally an all day event. They had dress rehearsal starting at 11:00. Because they were unable to secure a larger venue, it was decided they would do two recitals, one at 4:00 and the other at 7:00. Some of the older groups, like Sam's had learned three songs throughout the year. In order to cut down on time, it was decided that they would perform one number the same at both recitals but then one different song. I was torn which performance to go to because I really liked both of Sam's numbers. I decided that I would attend both performances. My mom said she would go to both of them with me.
Dress rehearsal started at 11:00. I knew they wouldn't finish by 2:00 but by 2:45 when I still hadn't heard from them, I decided to drive to the college to see if they were done. They weren't. My mom and I went to a couple of stores in order to kill some time. When we got back, I got the perfect parking spot. Sam and Conner were just walking out. It was 3:20 p.m. The doors for the first recital opened at 3:30 p.m. Sam and Conner were starving. Bryon, my dad, Logan and Natalie were on their way. We decided that my mom, dad, Logan, Natalie and I would get in line and go in and save seats. Meanwhile, Bryon would run home and grab my mom's camera and glasses as well as run Sam and Conner to get something off the dollar menu somewhere. The recital was beautiful. Conner danced to Inspector Gadget. Sam danced to Splish Splash and Thriller. Thriller was a number that his class and another ballroom class worked on together. They really had a fun time practicing and getting it ready to perform.
I figured that their performance should be about 1 1/2 hours. I had made a couple of salads that morning with the plan of grabbing some fried chicken on the way home, in between performances so we could eat dinner. The performance went just over 2 hours! I enjoyed every minute of it. However, it left no time at all to go home and grab something to eat. There is no way my dad, Bryon or the little kids will sit through one more performance. They go and buy Sam, Conner, my mom and I a hamburger off a dollar menu so it will hold us over until we can have dinner.
The second performance was just as spectacular. Sam the second performance danced to "I Won't Say I'm In Love" from Tarzan and Thriller. Conner, again, danced to Inspector Gadget. The little kids could sit with their parents after the performance. Conner came down and sat by me. He got so sick. I am not sure exactly what it was. He had to wear a felt coat for his costume. I tend to think it was a combination of being too hot in his costume and with all the stage lights and being overly tired.
I am so thankful to live in a community that supports the fine arts. There were 325 kids that performed. It is just amazing to me. I am so proud of Sam and Conner and for the hard work they put in this year and all they learned. I am so thankful to their instructors, Janie and Joy, who spend countless hours teaching them dances and routines.